Introduction & Background

Multifarm_EU is a project that is directed towards training and informing farmers on how to and possibly what kind of agri-multifunctionality technics to implement on their farms in order to remain sustainable.

This project is a follow-up project to Agri-multifunctionality II and the aim of Multifarm_EU is to further disseminate results and outcomes of the previous project.

The Agri-multifunctionality II training product has been developed in five languages: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. One of the Multifarm_EU Project aims, is to provide both the training product and the website of the project available in Polish language.

Together, these six languages are the most widely spoken as a first language in the EU-27 covering the 70% of the population (Special Eurobarometer 386 – Europeans and their languages, European Commission, June 2012). This will guarantee a wide accessibility and usability of the product and will allow a broad dissemination throughout the European countries.

The main aim of the Multifarm_EU project is to provide training and to inform young farmers on how to implement good agricultural practices for sustainability of their income and food security by disseminating the Agri-multifunctionality II project products.

The project wants to address the needs of young farmers to adapt to the request of society for a multifunctional agriculture.

Multifunctionality in agriculture gives positive results in the process of revitalisation of rural areas and in improving the prosperity of rural economy.

It is important to provide training about the advantages arising from adapting to the multifunctionalilty concept on farms and to show their good impact on the environment as certain farming practices can undermine the environment in rural areas.

Young farmers are the main actors in ensuring a sustainable food production. It is necessary that they differentiate their farming activities so that if one of them proves to be problematic they can still gain a secure income from another farming activity which will allow them to stay in business and foremost they will be able to continue with their farms and providing the public goods to the society. This will give them a special kind of security that they are not solely dependent on one activity.

To implement multifunctional ‘best practices’ European young farmers need an access to information and educational/vocational training. This Project aims to train and inform farmers to implement multifunctionality techniques on their farms so that they can play their crucial role in ensuring food security while improving their prosperity.